Monday, December 8, 2014

i honestly forgot about this blog.......

It's been quite a while since i wrote in here. since 2011! yeah, I'd say that is a long time.

i am going to see if i can actually keep up a blog now that i am older and life has gotten a bit slower. we shall see. I'm not very good at keeping things up like this. i don't know why, i love to write stories, but the last one i have started, i have gotten to a point in the story where i don't know where to go, or if i should back up and start again and go at it from a different direction. but, alas, a bdsm story is hard to control. and the damn characters get so demanding! lol. kenny wants me to start again. he loves my stories......but would he enjoy them if they were just normal stories? or is it the brutal sex scenes that he loves so much? who knows. I do love how he is so eager to read the next scene or chapter! lol.

i have all the children in the kitchen tonight. they are old enough that they need to learn how to make whole meals on their own, so i won't worry about them when they get older. so i had hayley and allen make fried potatoes, they cut up the potatoes and onions and are frying them and seasoning them all on their own. the pork chops are in the oven. and brandy has made lime jello with mandarin oranges, and is now working on banana pudding........

hubby is playing video games. sometimes i get jealous that he gets so much freedom after work, to just as he pleases......but then i remember he is the one who works and makes the money and takes awesome care of would be nice to have a break of my own every once in a while! lol. i guess i will get that after the kids move out! lol. the kids are so time consuming! lol. but i love it.......they are damn good kids!

anyways, i will leave for now.......must go check on kiddos.......hopefully later i will have something to actually write about!

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