this isn't for the parents who are decent parents, who are a part of their children's lives, who do what they can the best they can for their children to raise them to become decent members of society.......and this is not for the parent's of children who have a disability, or mental illness that is beyond anyone's control.....
this is for the idiot parents.........which i find there are many......
if you are all about yourself, and your child only comes to mind every once in a while...or you think that being your child's friend is more important then being a real parent.......or you are just a complete moron.......yeah, this is for you........
you are helping no one....except yourself....if your child does not hate you half the are not a are simply a sperm or egg donor.........
if you think it is more important for your child to get what they are an idiot. how are they ever going to make it in the real world? the real world is cruel, and it never gives you what you want.......the real world makes you work for what you want and need.......and most of the time.....hard work doesn't always get you those things!
if you allow your child to disrespect you and/or others........why??? what is that teaching your child? NOTHING! i often hear "respect is earned" which as decent adults we all know that is total bullshit.......true honest deep down respect is a soldier......instant respect......a hero.....instant respect.....those people don't have to earn that respect......they automatically have it........your boss.....they automatically have your polite and cordial is the fuck do you expect your child to make it anywhere in life without learning this simple lesson??? and if your child doesn't respect you.....that again is your have failed to teach your child anything..........i have seem punk ass thugs who still respect their least they have that going for them......they may not be the best of people......but at least their parent taught them something!!!! if your child yells, rolls their eyes, or worse to you, your spouse, or grandparents........there is something that YOU have done wrong!
if your child throws a fit because you take their phone away......or their video games.......then you have failed your child........and its time to take all the electronics out of your damn house and go back to basics! how about having at least 2 nights a week where there is no tv, no video games, no phones, no music or media players........and you all sit in the living room and read or play board games??? yeah, trust me......that is the beginning of teaching your child there is more to life then electronics......and it really does help them! and if you can't live without electronics need to do this more than ever!
if you have a young child, and they are already showing signs of being needy and attracted to the opposite sex......and seems to think that, that is all there is to have failed your failed to show them that the world is an amazing and wonderful place that they can actually be IN the world and contribute to its wonders and abilities, and not just live ON the have taught your child that they cannot live without someone else to be there for them. you have taught them that they are not good enough to take the world head on themselves and figure life out alone, and fight and make their own world better, exciting and amazing.....without having someone by their side, or telling them what to do have made a follower......and we all know how dangerous those are. you have failed your child. if you yourself still think you need a man/woman and without one, you are incomplete, or cannot survive......or if you still run to your mommy/daddy when things go are a complete waste of time and have taught yourself that you cannot make a decision on your own....and you cannot help yourself, and you are teaching your child to be the same damn way!
i could go on and on........but i am sure you all get the point........stop being a dumbass and start being a are helping NO ONE........your child needs you to be a parent.....your child needs someone to guide them and help them through their childhood so they have a chance to take the world head one......stop worrying about hurting their feelings, or making them mad or upset.......they will thank you later in life for being a parent......they will NEVER thank you for being a friend........
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