Monday, December 8, 2014

am i missing something here?

 sometime in 2011

I've been involved in many things and with many groups. in my short 30 years i have done quite a variety of different things. But, people who refuse to listen and learn still amaze me!

I've been deep in the PTA for years, organizing and planning and leading. Even through all the drama that goes with it. All those moms thinking they are better then everyone else, and their kids are the perfect gems......i bit my tongue and just smiled.

I was freaking neck deep in the animal world.....i worked with exotics and domestics. I've made people cry and jump over 12 foot fences to get away from me. I've made some lifelong friends furry and human.

you know i could go on and on and on.....but most of you know me any how........and why should i go down the long list of things I've done......right? why waste my time! lol

so when i come across something that i don't quite agree with, all of you know that i am going to voice my opinion.......and some of you will agree with me......but its very common for most of you to argue with me......and that is okay with me, everyone has a right to voice their opinions, and i love that....especially when you can stand up for what you believe in......because i do that every day! i think its great!

what i have a problem with is the spoiled brats out there that cannot handle someone thinking differently then they do.....the people who think the world is a great and wonderful place, and they want everyone to be as happy and sickening as they are......well, guess what........not everyone has to think the same way you do.....and in the real world, not everyone is nice, and sweet! i am far from that........and i tell everyone that every day.....but no one listens. "oh ivy, you are funny" " oh, ivy you are sweet" and on and on and on and on......."oh, ivy you should join us" and what do i tell all of you who have said things like that to me??? hmmm??? yup...."you don't know who i am" and you think I'm being cute!  I'm not.....I'm warning you!!!!!

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